The Hatchery Place, SS15 Co-Living house refers to the facilities shared by college students and working-age people. Designers hope to provide tenants with a quality and healthy life through indoor environment, so that they can share their skills, culture and experience with each other. The project vision is to build a sense of community, a cooperative economy, a sense of happiness and become an inspiring small community
The client of this project, The Hatchery Place. After a certain degree of investigation and research, it is found that customers pay more attention to the relationship and values between people. From their business model observed, a small number of rooms, do not need too many guests, pay attention to the relationship between guests. They also often invite their neighbours, teenagers to hold activities together and so on. From this point of view, it has become a small community. So, the design concept will focus more on the relationship between people. Our target users are student and working age people.
Let's imagine that The hatchery place creates a connection with guests or people through the business model of Co-Living + Co-Working + Co-Learning, and then hatches a small community. Tenants is bird and house are nest.
The starting point of design concept comes from Nest. Nest forms a "Connection" by crossing branches, so long as they are crossed together, there are many possibilities. In the design concept of this project, the original Nest is intricate, so on the "Connection", the original intricate intersection line is taken out first, and the most primitive basic line is found, through which all shapes can be completed. Hope people can feel simple and peaceful connection by simplifying interweaving.
On the other hand, why is this scheme propose in ss15? Because of today's virus, influenza and the sinister people's hearts, people are unwilling to accept each other. There is also the poor environment of ss15 community, the high rent of dormitory is not proportional to the quality and people's negative emotions.
All these can't be solved by one person's strength, so we want to at least feel the interesting of interpersonal relationship and living together for the tenants living in The hatchery place ss15 through this scheme.
© 2020 by INTI Center of Art & Design. Proudly created by the ICAD Voyage Showcase Committee.